Last updated: October 1, 2015
For arrival __/__/___ at 4 pm checking out __/__/___ at 11 am.
This Agreement is entered into between ______________ (hereinafter referred to as “occupant/renter”) and Provo Villa LTD (hereinafter referred to as “owner”). Each renter is jointly and severally liable for the payment of the weekly vacation. The cost of this rental is $_____ for __ nights. Cleaning fee of $250, Govt. services and occupancy tax of 12% total of $_____. Plus performance of all other terms of this agreement. Totaling $_____. This is a _ night tenancy, for _ people. For any additional people there is a charge of $50 per day.
Payment of Rent:
Rent shall be made payable to Provo Villa LTD and mailed or delivered to the following address:
Provo Villa LTD
6 Knollwood Ln.
Iowa City, IA 52245
(319) 330-RENT
A 50% deposit is due at confirmation signing agreement. Payment can be via a check, or by a credit card Via Pay Pal. Balance of payment is due _____. Please advise me how you will make payment. High speed internet is available and included free with your rental.
Renter’s Billing Address: ____________________
City, State and Zip code: ____________________
Phone: (____)____-__________
Email address: ____________________
Occupant / Renter Signature: ________________________
Owner Signature: ________________________
Cancellation Policy:
Less than 30 days notice by renter no refund.
Less than 60 days notice by renter 50% refund of total contract.
More than 60 days notice by renter 75% refund of total contract.
Rebook for available dates please call.